theoretical value

英 [ˌθɪəˈretɪkl ˈvæljuː] 美 [ˌθiːəˈretɪkl ˈvæljuː]

网络  理论值; 理论价值



  1. The noise model of the difference voltage detecting circuit was established and the theoretical value of minimum noise was calculated.
  2. The combination of the literature service of the sports college library with Olympic Games services of the Olympic library not only has practical significance, but also has theoretical value.
  3. The results obtained with this method agree with the theoretical value.
  4. Marx's theory on land rent and land price not only has important theoretical value, but also has major operation significance.
  5. Minority languages are one focus of linguistic research in China, whose study has not only special theoretical value but also important practical value.
  6. The Theoretical Value of Wittgenstein's Thought of the Unspeakable
  7. The establishment of view of edugame essence has an important theoretical value and practical significance, in guiding the design and development of edugame.
  8. In the light of management accounting, positive studying has more theoretical value than normative studying in explaining and foretelling management accounting practice.
  9. So the present method is of theoretical value for studying the active earth pressure on rigid retaining walls.
  10. The measured dye content was compared with the theoretical value from the formulation.
  11. To thoroughly investigate the theoretical foundation and the core content of ancient Chinese officials ideal personality has both theoretical value and practical value.
  12. Since The Art of War came out, study on its military theoretical value, its literature value emerged continually.
  13. The theoretical value of the pile-soil stress ratios and the differential settlement between piles and soil are close to the observed ones.
  14. In this paper, the formulae of theoretical value of surface and cubic tide at ground surface and the harmonic analysis formulae are derived.
  15. Once these management systems are put into practice, good results showing theoretical value, innovation and real effectiveness could be obtained.
  16. In this situation of shortage of welfare inputs, researching on socialization of child welfare institution has a highly theoretical value and practical significance.
  17. As China's exploration market is about to open quotation, it is of great theoretical value and practical significance to study the risk and control of adventure investment.
  18. Based on this consideration, I guess not shallow, the issue of a certain amount of reflection and empirical research, has a strong practical and theoretical value.
  19. So it has important practical meaning and theoretical value for us to study Mozi's thought and wisdom to construct socialist harmonious society.
  20. Whether then or today, these ideas composing early theoretical form of socialism with Chinese characteristics still has great theoretical value and practical significance.
  21. The stochastic approach is initially proved by the agreement of theoretical value with the experimental results.
  22. These results provide a new way for the simulation of transducer pulse fields and are also of theoretical value for the improvements of the ratio of flaw detection and the accuracy of flaw evaluation.
  23. The results of this paper can be cumulative in future research, and have the theoretical value and practical meaning for human resource policy.
  24. The birth of scientific spirit has accelerated the social development significantly, and has had important theoretical value and real significance.
  25. The third part of a comprehensive exposition of the relationship between man and nature of contemporary theoretical value.
  26. In other words, it is the volatility that, given a particular pricing model, yields a theoretical value for the option equal to the current market price.
  27. Besides theoretical value, it can also be the benchmark solution to promote the development of computational thermoacoustics.
  28. The effects of intermediate principal stress and dilatancy are considered in the unified displacement solution; so the unified solution obtained has very broadly theoretical value.
  29. At the same time, the analysis of harmonic response and the theoretical value of amplitude have been carried out.
  30. The film suspense theory of the philosopher Carrol is of great theoretical value and significance.